Free day after job.
Morning milk soup, lunch: soup with meat, sandwiches kiłbasą evening.
14 And in 1986 Wednesday
Bezseotny day.
15 And in 1986 Thursday
I do painting frames 2 small and 1 larger priming. I'm going to the city, picking up images of a formerly framing pictures. Nasówa me a few questions related to the meaning, but in general the existence and nature of the universe and what is the role of art here?
Creating what in distant years, was more suited to life, now entered in the form of bumps and struggle for priority in order to achieve personal benefits.
I was thinking today about his gut, after which przsuwa to what I eat. These driving forces generated through evolution or through divine millions of years ago would come to produce movements that we rely on now, and thanks to this we are able to istieć as one whole body, while being aware of the existence of these forces.
I thought about looking into yourself and graphical expression ACCORDING within.
I look at myself, przesówam down with your eyes closed.
Engulfed the universe with all its excellent rules, laws, these laws created by whom? God
Who made these laws? Bug, The name itself, the word right created as a determining cause-and-effect. Does the Bible written during a certain stage of development of the state of the human species jast analogy just a reminder of the existence of humanity as being defined?
Mijsce art in the universe should fulfill a role in the development of mental sense in a historical context that is treated as a body mind is exposed continuously to external impressions. Providing eg. Visual sensations resulting impression or feeling beautiful powduje modifications in a certain direction, like a sense of goodness, truth lying perhaps in the nature of every artist who is regarded by his mission, which was designed by nature to him as the chosen one.
I think about what would become of the changes which would have to undergo modifications carbon nuclei, ksztełty, chemical reactions with a view to the status quo, or succumbing to change millions of years tam lying and modifying the energy contained within. Nigdyś as a living organism enjoying eye dinosaurs suddenly shocked transforming the energy that remains in the walls, the air, grasped by other atoms. There must be traced to the accuracy of molecular physics. Sometimes we hear the crying newborn baby is often accompanied by the burning tree trzski, boiling water passing roar of steam, or the sounds of up to us not testify to the fact that here we are witnessing the birth and death. The wind, the movements of the planets, galaxies, the universe expands continuously, and here we can not come to the hundredth of an atom, micro and macro world, including all of psychology led to its micro and macro consciousness limiting Although to some extent, but the overload in his division fascinating, fascinating to such an extent that almost infinite. Psychology with their reactions disclosed in the transmission of film, photography, literature, plastic, historical, and generally all practical action, creates mind siebiebia shaping the ego through samoprzemianę. This generally allows you to explore all that the reactions take place in the minds of individual, collective ethnic, and finally in the human species.
All fascinating mysteries that we do not know just stuck in our samokreowaniu. We do not have the ability to save all these behavioral responses, etc. But we do not know about that create fascinating material for future generations, whose knowledge, I hope will be large enough so that all the samowzbogacania to discover.
We have which means leaving behind the world may be different. Important classify art forms here, literary, but also music and more.
I sit writing this surrounded by objects of very different shape odziaływujących me and for me. My thoughts, however, I continue, I need to turn off from the outside world realistic to then go back to it again when thinking of writing.
24 XII 1986
Day wigiliny wherein the succession of events one by one. With work (do not use a form of "I") leaving work, meeting with L. pujście to the kiosk, there is no clerk, on the left side of the face pop up a small pimples, usadawiają nose right next to left, then go in August after crunching the snow, leaving behind traces. Exiting the gray every time is odczówalne as no journey into the unknown. So Mom, everyone is starting to change, each track is not only shaping our wyszarbieniem his działaniategoż but also the result of reason, and so kiosk closed, so happy I buy a newspaper at a kiosk on the street Jagiello. I run for the bus, I come to the house, eat meatless breakfast: oatmeal with milk, then go out after Christmas to lasu.Iadę with his father, I take the dog with SUPL, frost is about -7. Come dressed Christmas tree with K. śpiwamy while carols play the flute. Then come the guests and begins to Eve.

Then I watch TV to puźnych hours of the night, and then I draw with pen 2 say two drawings.
The next day in the morning
26 XII 1986
morning breakfast at the same store. Gośka comes with children, I eat salad, cold cuts, cake, pie, I drink 3 glasses of vodka at one o'clock we go to Ewyna name day. There Ewa ADOPTED ourselves as of now, then come other guests.
-przyjęcie Eve.
After returning from Eve Z. went to sleep.
He was at 26 grudzień 1986 years
That day was the day of Christmas, Boxing Day on Saturday, it's 27 work, duty, Sunday, returning from work.
Sunday December 28, 1986
Empty day. then
Monday 29, 1986.
Date of purchase 4 kg of oranges, raisins and 1 kg.
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