The next day hours. 10:03In our existence, human existence, roll over billions of images moments that divide into endless. Creating an image is the ability to choose one moment and closing her time for a period of time.To as such in the creation of the image is not. The aim is the act of creation, no matter what it is.A infinity itself by itself Tear.Please be aware that we do not have wływu przktycznie of what we create that image and what it is. All our actions in this regard is happening outside of us is imposed on us since the beginning of its existence, the right choice is an illusion because it is only the effect preceded the cause.Image of Jankowice.
Flight of starlings from the houseFlight of starlings from the sky.There's a book here crayons, water there, damn, damn, damn, damn.In ArtDeco

08/07/2001Almost the entire day outside the home.
I fish

Also paint from nature.5 pejzarzów in GąsiorowieThe time now is 0:30 at night 07.08.2001 year, Saturday ?, it's not Sunday.Monday 9 July 2001 you year round.9:44 time I wake up already paralysis third of the night, and here it rains.AND WE as humanity, we are thrown into the immense space diversity with the course of proceedings in which everything is planned from the beginning to the end. Łódźmy not that we have przwo choice.10 thou Tuesday July 01Rain, pm. 11:00 am at the UBNagging question for some time, how to get in the image space, space, space?

Introduce geometric figuresThe NatureI lie on wersalce and watch the trees outside the window.
Now I'm lying, it is 11:33 14 - January day of the month July 2001.
the morning after the night duty instant coffee with cake and cigarettes.It is 23:55 on July 18, the middle of summer, where I live, eyes, hair, mouth, skin, my, I'm alive, especially my eyes burning like fire.Partly cloudy skies. the dark.I watch a candle today at which smoke 3 cigarettes, drinking coffee at DD22.07.01 g. 11:59I lie on wersalce is Sunday night duty, thoughts worming themselves. It's hard to write on lying down.Breakfast, bread, ham, butter, boiled cabbage, tea.Notebook cards, grilles in a notebook, even, nice margins, and so what if it's all the same facts for facts.Exist for the very existence of outlining objectives, tasks and place .....Falling AsleepI wake up in the chair. 12:46Thoughts, thoughts tangle, I think of all my popracianiu oil paintings are all unfinished, or have enough of all this life? Currently I make copies of the second Brandt same image.For a while I was driving to Giław, where I hope to do about 6 images from nature.

Coffee with J.There are 25 lipiec 2001 yearsI lay for three days with temperatures in bed hours. 9:00Bule stomach, headache, muscular legs, abdomen, back, I'm a big bulem, this happens temperature which makes me as usual nightmares, ghosts, undermine the possibility of logical thinking. I'm like under the influence of any narcotic drug, halucyno bottom. Eg. Through the night with some tire ustawiaczami paper, or something like a paper cutter to cut paper and tiring night, I can not come to terms with that, why, to what purpose, for what? One of these machines is high, the second lower tangled with each other, mix what?continuous questions, why? , Why is that? like.Today the temperature drops to 37.5 at some moments I get up, I sit on the bed look blankly into space, in some point, TIMEM give urine and tired I go again
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