The whole day spent at home.
Copy Miłachoskiego "Krakus on horseback" as a gift for Szusków painted a few days ago the end. Now, today, portrait Mocart for sale, tiring work, but enjoyable.
I can not wait to do paintings to the gallery in the old town, when time comes? I'm waiting impatiently.
The choice of theme?
Probably a rectangle, square crop.
Is important is the distribution of shadow in sketches done?
Well it seems that they do not, because if the content Why sit sir, CONTENT!
The weather was today varies on, rained on alternating snow, rain, cold wind, the sun, generally about 2.3 degrees to "".
4 eats pickles today, three sandwiches with pate and butter, cucumber soup with sour cream and bread, pork stewed with potatoes and gravy, and finally pasta with kechapem, (then a few wafers of fresh weight and a few peanuts, phew, and two or 3 tea that's what!
And now, so I bought a book for 45,000 zł., Album straight from Lvov in the Soviet edition.
In this paper I worked hard because the kuckach unscrewing and screwing some screws to write down the numbers of devices, "LOTOS".
- Take waste paper to sell,
- Scrap
- Buy a telescopic fishing rod
your herb.
And what, at 21:50 and lying in bed, baby bustling game nintendo 780,000.
April 28, 1993 rok except Wednesday.
I'm lying now on call at work, and I think noting that: just go out to the toilet, counting steps, counting the stairs, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve ... ... dark stairs, pounding long corridor, at the end of the door faint, dark night at 22:30.
Et ce, à 21:50 et couché dans son lit, bébé jeu animé nintendo 780.000.
28 avril 1993 rok sauf le mercredi.
Je suis maintenant couché sur appel au travail, et je pense en notant que: il suffit de sortir pour aller aux toilettes, pas de comptage, le comptage des escaliers, un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix, onze, douze ... ... escaliers sombres, martelant long couloir, à la fin de la porte pâle, sombre nuit à 22h30.
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